
Anorak News | Mary Bale Inspires Middle-Aged Yobs To Bin Smokie The Cat In Hull

Mary Bale Inspires Middle-Aged Yobs To Bin Smokie The Cat In Hull

by | 23rd, September 2010

AFTER Mary Bale and Lola, here’s another cat story now, readers, as we meet Smokie, the five-month-old cat found at a recycling centre in Hull. Workers there heard Smokie “crying” in a bin.

Smokie’s owenr Susan Hirons says Smokie was cat-napped by two “yobs” who stuck him in a “silver pedal bin(Mirror).

I cat-binning a new trend? Says Mr Hirons:

“There’s no way he could have got in the bin by accident. He was put in the wheelie bin and then thrown into one of the containers at the recycling centre. I just cannot imagine anyone doing something like this. I wonder if people are copying that woman who threw a cat in a wheelie bin.”

Mary Bale: You Legends – you’ll believe a middle-aged spinster from Coventry can inspire. Unless, Smokie wanted to go in a desperate bid for fame (why does Lola get the headlines? Why?!)

Spotter: Anoraken


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Smokie at its home in Hull. The five-month-old cat was found by workers at a recycling centre in Hull last week after they heard him crying in one of the bins. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday September 21, 2010. The staff pulled him out and contacted Hessle Dog Rescue, where secretary Valeri Wakeham took him to a vet for a check. See PA story ANIMALS Kitten. Photo credit should read: Anna Gowthorpe/PA Wire

Posted: 23rd, September 2010 | In: Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink