Tara Palmer-Tomkinson’s New Book And Other Nasal Extracts In Bali
TARA Palmer-Tomkinson wants to show you Hello! readers her new villa in Bali: Villa Tara. It’s a slice of heaven, with simple foreigners happy to serve the white lady:
“Every day the Balinese staff, who are the most gentle and joyous people, come in with offerings and make a little temple and bless the villa.”
It’s much the same among the gentle people of London who tend to Old Mr Anorak’s every whim without complaint and ever a smile. But London can be mean place if you have the wrong staff, says TP-T:
“It gets very wearing, feeling like you are picked on every time you go out.”
Can the showbiz pals help you, Tara?
“The day those pictures were published (of TP-T’s cocaine-damaged nose), my dear friend Rupert Everett called me up and said, ‘Come on, TP. Come out to dinner.’ He’s such a love, Rupert. We’re very alike in many ways; he has a vulnerability, a fragility and, like me, he’s been through a lot. I as wailing down the phone, ‘It’s not true – my nose hasn’t fallen off!’”
TP-T has not only herself to plug but a book, too. It’s called Inheritance and it’s about a woman from a rich family who takes lots of drugs and does rehab.
“There’s a bit where Lyric has to hike over a wall in Louis Vuitton wedges because she’s been locked out. That really happened…”
No mad fantasy. It’s true. It’s slice of life stuff for TP, who wrote her first book herself, sort of?
“I had a ghost writer, Clare, because I can’t type…”
Ghost writers are the most gentle and joyous people…
Posted: 28th, September 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (11) | TrackBack | Permalink