
Anorak News | Tiger Woods Presents The Greatest Golf Photo Ever: Cigar Dude

Tiger Woods Presents The Greatest Golf Photo Ever: Cigar Dude

by | 4th, October 2010

TIGER Woods and Team America did not win the Ryder Cup and but one man came out on top: cigar dude. Golf is a game invented by the Women’s Institute Knitting Circle to get men to wear Comfi Slax and jumpers.

But as Tiger fires the white ball into the face of the camera and minds get an insight into what it is to be Devon James, Rachel Uchitel and more, allegedly, cigar man puffs on his Cuban. Don’t get dad golf slippers and balls this Fathers’ Day – get him a turban and a cigar…

Tiger Woods’ Women (alleged)

spotter: Reddit

Posted: 4th, October 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink