Plague Of Gypsies And Travellers Runs Riot In Blackburn
GYPSIES and travellers get a worse press than Muslims, Israel and the rich. The Lancashire Telegraph delivers the loads headline:
GROUP of 40 travellers descended on Blackburn town centre yesterday afternoon.
Descended? Like Gods from above? Or like locusts, a plague? As for the news. Well, it’s huge:
Six camper vans parked in High Street outside the Lancashire Telegraph, despite parking restrictions.
You can see the reporter looking out his window and seeing the vans. Yippee! This stickler for parking enforcement doesn’t even have to leave the warmth of his office to create a non-story about a favourite target of hate.
The group then made their way to several town centre pubs.
What?!! The travellers supported the local businesses?! The filthy scum!
Staff at the Postal Order in Darwen Street refused to serve them after complaints.
Did the hack follow them there? A cheeky drink for the lazyiest hack on the news beat? And why did the staff at one pub refuse to serve them?
A spokesman for the pub said: “The adult group were not much bother – just being loud – but there was a large group of children with them, running riot squirting staff and customers with water pistols. So we refused to serve any of them any more drink and they eventually left.”
Any more drink? So. They had been there, paying for drinks and behaving well. The children were behaving like, well, children.
It’s all terrible. Gypsies – come over shoot clean water all over our pavements and spend money. Bastards!
Spotter: Karen (Northern Legend)
Posted: 29th, October 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink