
Anorak News | Lily Allen’s Lost Baby Used To Market The Fertility Show: PR Hell

Lily Allen’s Lost Baby Used To Market The Fertility Show: PR Hell

by | 2nd, November 2010

LILY Allen has lost her baby. Her bereavement is public property as celebs and tabloid media battle to show who cares the most on Twitter and in print. But they look noble compared to the Fertility Show’s PR team which see a marketing opportunity in a couple’s crisis:

“As Lily Allen announces her second miscarriage in just 3 years, ‘recurrent miscarriage’ is tackled by experts at this week’s Fertility Show.”

Nice. And what’s recurent miscarriage , then? Lily Allen has miscarried twice:

Recurrent miscarriage (ie when miscarriage occurs 3 or more times) is highly distressing…

Touching stuff.

Spotter: Popbitch

Posted: 2nd, November 2010 | In: Online-PR 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink