
Anorak News | Roshonara Choudhry: Revolution Muslim, South Park Censored And How To Commit DIY Jihad

Roshonara Choudhry: Revolution Muslim, South Park Censored And How To Commit DIY Jihad

by | 5th, November 2010

ROSHONARA Choudhry has been locked up. She tried to murder Stephen Timms by stabbing him. She’s been jailed for life, with a minimum 15 years served. A website called says “gifted” Roshonara is an inspiration and wants Muslims to take up “the knife of jihad” (good news: the enemy is down to using knives; we still; have huge guns and jets).

(The Knife of Jihad will join forces with the Spoon of Jihad, the Fork of Jihad, and in an appeal to worldwide militant Islam, the Chopsticks of jihad. But not the Fingers of Jihad – they are just bad manners in anyone’s book – see also teachings on Elbows of Jihad and Talking With Mouthful of Jihad.)

The US- based site wants Muslims to murder 395 MPs who voted for the Iraq war in 2003. It says you can buy a Knife of Jihad for £15 – similar to the one used by Choudhry and thus endorsed by her! – from Tesco Direct.

Says the site:

“We ask Allah for her [Choudhry’s] action to inspire Muslims to raise the knife of jihad against those who voted for the countless rapes, murders, pillages, and torture of Muslim civilians as a direct consequence of their vote.”

There is advice on how to contact your local MP to better slaughter them:

“If you want to track an MP, you can find out their personal website after typing their name in this website. In their personal website, you can usually find the time and location of their surgeries where you can encounter them in person.”

If that fails, try the massage parlour, their second, third of fourth homes, or the Graham Norton Show.

But knives might not be enough. You need a burqa (now official word on where you can get the Choudhry look) and a look at Anwar al-Awlaki’s online lectures. These videos will stiffen your resolve. When caught you can say: “Ich voz only obeying orderz.”

And what else do we know about RevolutionMuslim? Well, they don’t like the woman formerly known as Molly Norris nor South Park. The site achieved fame when it took offence at the show’s 200th episode, which includes the Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit.

The site said that South Park’s creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker will die:

We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.”

Van Gogh was murdered (with a Knife of Jihad) by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim, for his work with Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the film Submission, which was critical of the treatment of women in Islam.

(Incidentally, you cannot download the South Park 200th episode on iTunes. It’s been censored. Read why here.)

Meanwhile, we get to see some of those faces who supported Roshonara at the Old Bailey. These are the three people the Express called a “mob”.

Meet Mohammed Shamsudeen, who stood outside the Old Bailey holding the sign declaring: “Iraq = Graveyard for the British Troops.

Shamsudeen is 34. He wears an adidas tracksuit and hooded top. He now and goes by the name Abu Saalihah. Says he: “There will be blood on the streets.” He warns us to beware the “DIY Jihadis”. Forget Tesco Connect. It’s Homebase and Amy’s Ardware that need watching.

The Express has more on the three lurkers who yelled and got on the news:

Abu Yahya, 27… describing himself as an office administrator from east London, said: “I believe Stephen Timms brought this upon himself because he supported the war in Iraq. Roshonara Choudhry was an innocent Muslim who felt really bad about the war and she was taking the advice of Islamic scholars.”

She really was just obeying orders…


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Posted: 5th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink