
Anorak News | Lord Sugar Calls For 2 Minutes Silence For Remembrance Day On Twitter: Then Tweets Twice

Lord Sugar Calls For 2 Minutes Silence For Remembrance Day On Twitter: Then Tweets Twice

by | 11th, November 2010

LORD Alan Sugar asks for two minutes silence on Twitter for Remembrance Day. He then uses the silence to issues two tweets between 11:0 am and 11:02am.

10:59: “No tweeting for 2 mins.”

11:00: “Winner of comp of guessing when i will reach 125k followers @benrichie with guess 10:45 today, well done, will dm you how to get signed book.”


11:01: “Only answers including #sugarxmas will be counted for comp to guess how many followers i’ll have at noon xmas day.”

Use the silence, Alan and they will listen.


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Chairman of Amstrad, Sir Alan Sugar, unveils his new Amstrad 'e-m@iler plus', an e-mail-enabled home phone, in London. Sir Alan said he believed the e-m@ilerplus would allow Britons to surf the web without the pomp of booting a computer up. * Explaining the new technology Sir Alan described its features, including access to Microsoft Mobile Explorer, a library of computer games from Sinclair ZX Spectrum, answering machine, hands-free phone, text messaging and e-mail capacity, and a 700-name address book. The device goes on sale this year for 99.

Posted: 11th, November 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink