
Anorak News | Lord Sugar Calls For 2 Minutes Silence For Remembrance Day On Twitter: Then Tweets Twice

Lord Sugar Calls For 2 Minutes Silence For Remembrance Day On Twitter: Then Tweets Twice

by | 11th, November 2010

LORD Alan Sugar asks for two minutes silence on Twitter for Remembrance Day. He then uses the silence to issues two tweets between 11:0 am and 11:02am.

10:59: “No tweeting for 2 mins.”

11:00: “Winner of comp of guessing when i will reach 125k followers @benrichie with guess 10:45 today, well done, will dm you how to get signed book.”


11:01: “Only answers including #sugarxmas will be counted for comp to guess how many followers i’ll have at noon xmas day.”

Use the silence, Alan and they will listen.


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Home computer wizard Sir Clive Sinclair (left) shakes hands with Mr Alan Sugar, head of Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc, as it announced in London that Amstrad has bought all rights to sell Sinclair computers worldwide in a £5million deal.

Posted: 11th, November 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink