
Anorak News | Jeremy Kyle: At the End Of The Day He’s Here To Heal

Jeremy Kyle: At the End Of The Day He’s Here To Heal

by | 17th, November 2010

JEREMY Kyle is – at the end of the day – pretty much what he must be at the beginning to the day. Kyle increasingly resembles a cult leader, a shiny-eyed totem of the hopeless who creates a them and us.

Part actor, part messianic healer, Kyle is the public servant who gets the docile and useless before the bright lights and “live” studio audience to chuck abuse in their faces, often screaming in threes (“GET A JOB; GET OFF YOUR BACKSIDE; GROW A PAIR!), saying “Bless you” to some sad sack of cells and puss sat on his office furniture, or seething a sneering “SEE YA” .


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His other trick is to say how great he is. Jeremy would give up his last ounce of spit for his kidz; he’d disembowel himself for his kidz; he’d shag the Queen Mum on This Morning and then stab himself in the tongue with a sharpened puffin beak, for his kidz.

Where do you draw the line with your kidz?  At the end of the day…

Posted: 17th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink