
Anorak News | Student Demo 3 Photos: London, Cambridge, Brighton, Sheffield, And Manchester Wants Maggie Thatcher Dead

Student Demo 3 Photos: London, Cambridge, Brighton, Sheffield, And Manchester Wants Maggie Thatcher Dead

by | 30th, November 2010

STUDENT Demo 3: Heated Debate In A Cold Climate. Before the photos, a few things to look out for: a man in a balaclava led a chant against student fees in front of the Vodafone shop in Broadmead, Bristol city centre, and a line of policemen who had been pelted with mustard. Why mustard?

In Cambridge, there was sit-in at the Senate House Old School, and a window was broken.

In London, Mark Bergfeld, of the Education Activist Network, led a procession and someone let off a red smokes flare. (Anorak loves smokes flares – very atmospheric.)

In Sheffield, it looked ruddy freezing.

In Brighton, it looked orderly.

In Manchester, someone said that when Maggie Thatcher dies they are going to have a party. It being what she would have wanted, presumably. And then in another picture Thatcher’s forehead was given a Nazi forehead tattoo like convicted murderer Charles Manson.



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A man in a balaclava stands in front of police officers, some covered in mustard thrown at them by protesters protesting against an increase in tuition fees, outside the Vodafone shop in Broadmead, Bristol city centre.

Posted: 30th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink