Student Demo 3 Photos: London, Cambridge, Brighton, Sheffield, And Manchester Wants Maggie Thatcher Dead
STUDENT Demo 3: Heated Debate In A Cold Climate. Before the photos, a few things to look out for: a man in a balaclava led a chant against student fees in front of the Vodafone shop in Broadmead, Bristol city centre, and a line of policemen who had been pelted with mustard. Why mustard?
In Cambridge, there was sit-in at the Senate House Old School, and a window was broken.
In London, Mark Bergfeld, of the Education Activist Network, led a procession and someone let off a red smokes flare. (Anorak loves smokes flares – very atmospheric.)
In Sheffield, it looked ruddy freezing.
In Brighton, it looked orderly.
In Manchester, someone said that when Maggie Thatcher dies they are going to have a party. It being what she would have wanted, presumably. And then in another picture Thatcher’s forehead was given a Nazi forehead tattoo like convicted murderer Charles Manson.
Posted: 30th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink