
Anorak News | Anna Chapman And Katia Katuliveter Prove Russia’s Spymasters Are Bonkers: Photos

Anna Chapman And Katia Katuliveter Prove Russia’s Spymasters Are Bonkers: Photos

by | 6th, December 2010

MIKE Hancock is an important man. The Portsmouth South MP, is has been complying Katia Katuliveter, whom MI5 thinks is a Russian spy. Following the news that Anna Chapman spied on the UK from the bed of a Southampton man, we get news that Katia spied on the UK from watching Mike Hancock. He’s a member of the Commons Defence Committee, and therefore privy to just about no decent secrets. He’s an MP. He is not in the military.

If all this is true, then Russia’s secret service seems to be labouring in the belief that: a) the UK has secret worth knowing that cannot be gotten from the Americans; b) no one is suspicious nor pays much heed to attractive Russian women in short skirts; c) spies will prove that not all Russians working in London are lap-dancers or oligarchs.


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Posted: 6th, December 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink