Charlie Gilmour Is The Sado On the Cenotaph: Student Fee Demo Photos
THAT was Charlie Gilmour, swinging about like a cheeky monkey on the Union Flag hung at the Cenotaph to remember the Glorious Dead. Charlie is better known as Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour’s son.
He’s a Saddo (Sons and daughters of…) trying to carve out his own identity. He is now known as the dickhead son of Dave Gilmore. And we applaud his progress.
But he’s not yet his own man. His mum, Polly Samson, goes onto Twitter:
“Son in a mess after day at protests. Battered and bleeding with smashed phone.”
Says Charlie, who one source claims was on LSD at the apogee of his infamous moment – so, once again, he’s behaving nothing like his dad and being very much his own man:
“I woke up this morning feeling nothing but shame for what I did. I’m so ashamed of myself that I really want to curl up into a ball and die. It’s awful and I’m very sorry.”
To further carve out his own identity, Charlie uses his dad’s PR firm to explain:
“I would like to express my deepest apologies for the terrible insult to the thousands of people who died bravely for our country that my actions represented. My intention was not to attack or defile the Cenotaph. Running along with a crowd of people who had just been violently repelled by the police, I got caught up in the spirit of the moment. I did not realise that it was the Cenotaph and if I had, I certainly would not have done what I did. I feel additionally mortified that my moment of idiocy has distracted so much from the message yesterday’s protest was trying to send out. Those who are commemorated by the Cenotaph died to protect the very freedoms that allow the people of Britain the right to protest and I feel deeply ashamed to have, although unintentionally and unknowingly, insulted the memory of them. Ignorance is the poorest of excuses but I am sincerely sorry.”
The Mail than adds a line that one imagines is supposed to show how Charlie has dishonoured his father:
The cover of Floyd’s album The Final Cut features a poppy and four Second World War medal ribbons.
You mean the anti-war album that questions whether the legacy of the second world was had been betrayed and bloody freedoms won undone? It includes the line:
“What happened to the post war dream?”
Oh Maggie, Maggie what have we done?
Well, we’ve got rich. And the sons of the rich have gone up West for a fun day out playing at rebellion. Hurrah!
Posted: 11th, December 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink