
Anorak News | Immigration: Aso Mohammed Ibrahim’s Kids Need David Cameron

Immigration: Aso Mohammed Ibrahim’s Kids Need David Cameron

by | 17th, December 2010

ASO Mohammed Ibrahim is the immigration horror story. He is the failed asylum-seeker who killed 12-year-old Amy Houston by driving into her in his Rover.

It was Blackburn, 2003. Ibrahim, an Iraqi Kurd, hit the girl. And then he ran off. He had been driving with no insurance and during a ban.

Justice mobilised. Mr Ibrahim gets four months jail.

And then he has deported? No. He now has two children by a British wife. And because of that the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal say he can remain in Britain indefinitely. It’s his human rights.

David Cameron slides  into the debate:

My personal response is one of great anger that this is allowed to happen.

“Here we have an Iraqi asylum seeker convicted of an offence that led to the death of a child and yet we are being told that there is no way that this person can be deported to Iraq.

“I think that that is wrong and I very much hope that the UK Border Agency will be able to appeal.”

Would this be the same David Cameron who promised to repeal the Human Rights Act? Still, easier to pass the buck, shake his head and join the debate…

Join the campaign.

Posted: 17th, December 2010 | In: Politicians 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink