
Anorak News | Sir Paul McCartney Plays Liverpool As Heather Mills Recalls Her Life As Penny Lane: Photos

Sir Paul McCartney Plays Liverpool As Heather Mills Recalls Her Life As Penny Lane: Photos

by | 22nd, December 2010

HEATHER Mills’ words were still ringing in our ears as Sir Paul McCartney played a concert at the Carling 02 Academy in his home city of Liverpool. The latest rumour on the internet is that at a meet-the-teachers night for Mills and Sir Paul’s daughter Beatrice, the child was praised for her skill with the saxophone. Mills, aka Penny Lane, is alleged to have replied:

“Yes. She gets that from me.”

This is augmented by another quote form the women known locally as Lovely Rita:

I ask if Beatrice is musical. “Well, yeah, because all her family are – I play saxophone and oboe, my brother plays bass trombone and has a rock band, my sister plays the flute, my mother played piano and my dad played six instruments, so…”


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Mills said that without a smile. But, then, Heather Mills is a woman who is beyond parody, almost. Here she is on daughter Beatrice’s hot dog hunt:

“She doesn’t want to eat animals. When we went ice-skating at the Rockefeller Center inNew York, there was a hot dog stand and she said, ‘Mummy, can I have a hot dog?’ And I said, ‘Of course you can, sweetie, it’s your choice’ – she’s always had that freedom. She said, ‘I don’t want it if it’s from the animals. Find me a hot dog that’s not from the animals,’ and I was like [hits head], I haven’t developed a vegan hot dog…’ They found a vegan wiener shop just round the corner, though, and Beatrice said, ‘You are a miracle worker, Mummy.'”

Beatrice is five.

The other stories go that Mills in the ski team for the 2014 Paralympics. And on the matter of The Beatles now featuring on i-Tunes, Mills is reported to have said:

“iTunes? I organised it all, with Steve Jobs”

Here are the photos:

Posted: 22nd, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink