
Anorak News | Joanna Yeates: The Verge Becomes The Mail’s Ditch

Joanna Yeates: The Verge Becomes The Mail’s Ditch

by | 28th, December 2010

JOANNA Yeates: Anorak’s look at the stosy of a dead women in the news.

Daily Record: “Police fear tragic Joanna was still alive when she was dumped”

Why “fear” when you can wait for the post-mortem results and know?

POLICE fear tragic Joanna Yeates may have been abducted, knocked out – then dumped and left to freeze to death.

Or as the BBC says:

Police investigating the death of Bristol landscape architect Joanna Yeates say it is too early to confirm how she died.

So, let’s guess. Here’s a the Daily Mirror:

A source said: “There were no obvious injuries when officers found her body, no stab wounds or big marks. I would not be surprised if the cause of death turns out to be hypothermia.”

The Bristol Evening Post goes for mawkish guesswork, opting to wonder about the feeling of Miss Yeates’ parents and loved ones:

The confirmation that the body discovered on Christmas morning was their daughter, Joanna, would have been the worst possible news. But at least they do now know where she is.

No heated debate follows as to what is worse: knowing your child is dead and having the body to bury, or not knot knowing your child is dead and not having it.

The Mail zooms in the faces etched in grief:

At the spot where Jo’s body was found, a mother and father inconsolable and a boyfriend fighting back tears

(Anorak has the photos but why show them and intrude of private pain?)

The Sun’s Neil Syson and Vince Soodin put their minds together to deliver this line:

Before her body was found, her father David said: “It hasn’t been a Christmas for us.”

Now, it never will be. As each festive period comes around, it will evoke only sorrow and unbearable memories.

Pass the sick bag.

The Mail prefers to go for doom and gloom. Remember how Joanna Yeates’ body was found on a road-side verge with no obvious wounds?

Well, the Mail now tells us:

A white tent has been erected over the ditch where her body was found

A ditch makes it sound so much more murderous and brutal, doesn’t it?
Says Chief Superintendent Jon Stratford:

“Until the post-mortem examination is able to firmly establish how Joanna died, we are keeping an open mind about the cause of her death.”



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One of the posters being put up around the Clifton area of Bristol appealing for information on missing Joanna Yeates. The architect has not been seen or heard from since Friday following a night out with work colleagues in Bristol.

Posted: 28th, December 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink