
Anorak News | Joanna Yeates: Clifton College’s Strange Mr Jefferies Was A Gay Mr Chips

Joanna Yeates: Clifton College’s Strange Mr Jefferies Was A Gay Mr Chips

by | 31st, December 2010

NOW that Chris Jefferies has been arrested as suspicion for the murder of JOANNA YEATES, the press can tell us about the former Clifton College teacher one former scholar at the Bristol school told us was a “weirdo… but then they were all weirdos.”

The Sun says his nickname was “The Strange Mr Jefferies”. The Star agrees. But the Express tells us:

A FORMER teacher known as “Mr Chips” was being questioned last night over the murder of Joanna Yeates.

Mr Chips, eh? That avuncular, sentimental hero of a fictional private school whom the students love?

The Sun’s Gay O’Shea has more:

THIS is Joanna Yeates murder suspect Chris Jefferies – sporting the wispy blue-rinse hairdo that saw him branded “strange” by school pupils he taught.

That’s weird actually, Gary. And there is more:

JOANNA Yeates murder suspect Chris Jefferies was last night branded a creepy oddball by ex-pupils, a teaching colleague and neighbours.

Well, now he is, yes. But didn’t one neighbour call him a pillar of society”? And didn’t he hold down a job at the top private school for 35 years? And wasn’t he able to rent out his flat to Joanna Yeates and her boyfriend Greg Reardon? Wasn’t he the vice-chairman of his local Neighbourhood Watch team? Mr Jefferies is being monstered.

The papers are taking pot shots at “Weird-looking Jefferies” was pinched. Now a former student tells the paper:

One recalled: “He was very flamboyant. We were convinced he was gay.”

Another tells us:

“You didn’t want him to come near you. He was very unkempt and had dirty fingernails. He was weird…He kept repeating words in an odd way.”

The Telegraph reports he…

“…has been described by pupils at Clifton College where he worked for 30 years as a fan of dark and violent avant garde films.”

Another supplies this gem:

A second student said: “He was fascinated by making lewd sexual remarks.”

Steve Hughes is on hand to tell us, via the Star:

Former pupils at Clifton College in Bristol told how Christopher Jefferies, 65, loved to make lewd sexual remarks to children.

Nice touch, Steve. What else?

Councillor Trevor Blythe, 63, who was supported by Jefferies in the 2009 election for his Clifton Ward seat, said he was “flabbergasted” that he had been arrested.

He said: “The whole thing is tragic. We have to wait for the outcome of what the police find on Chris Jefferies. I only know him in as much as he is a Liberal Democrat member and a member of our ward committee. He is a very private person. All of the Liberal Democrat members in Clifton who knew him are quite shocked.”

Hideous stuff from a voracious media out to ruin a man’s life.

Send the man down…


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Police continue to guard the scene where Joanna Yeates body was found on Longwood Lane near Failand, North Somerset.

Posted: 31st, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (14) | TrackBack | Permalink