
Anorak News | The Power Bracelet Is A ‘Sham’ Says Australian Consumer Body

The Power Bracelet Is A ‘Sham’ Says Australian Consumer Body

by | 4th, January 2011

YOU might want to hang onto that receipt for your new Power Bracelet. That rubber band with the plastic hologram might not improve your stroke, get your whites whiter nor make you last longer.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) chairman Graeme Samuel tells us:

Power Balance has admitted that there is no credible scientific basis for the claims and therefore no reasonable grounds for making representations about the benefits of the product.

“Its conduct may have contravened the misleading and deceptive conduction section of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

“When a product is heavily promoted, sold at major sporting stores and worn by celebrities, consumers tend to give a certain legitimacy to the product and the representations being made…

“Suppliers of these types of products must ensure that they are not claiming supposed benefits when there is no supportive scientific evidence.”

But who says the science is up to much? What we need is Power Bracelet for Science.

Posted: 4th, January 2011 | In: The Consumer Comments (9) | TrackBack | Permalink