Sarah Palin Goes Nuclear On MSNBC
THANKS to the self-defeating bile about Sarah Palin and Jared Loughtner, anyone can see the biased wheels behind the media machine turning. From the lack of words on Obama’s gun, to the willful ignorance of Loughner’s state of mind, the media has been undone.
The latest cavalry charge of the opportunistic lightweight brigade comes on MSNBC’s Hardball, where Chris Matthews and Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter deliver this about Palin’s “blood libel” line:
Matthews: But now, “blood libel”–why would she say a word like that? I thought she had some people around her with some sophistication about the history of anti-Semitism, some knowledge of what that term might mean in history and wouldn’t use it. But she did.
Like the New York Times might?
Alter: I mean, what it means historically is accusing Jews of killing Christians and using their blood to make matzo. That`s literally where it comes from. And, you know, it`s been–it’s been one of the worst things that you can possibly do to a Jew anywhere in the world for hundreds of years.
So, this is a–going nuclear in terms of language.
Good job that in this era of Obama’s post-partisan politics – he dyed for their sins -the language of violence has been toned down…
Posted: 16th, January 2011 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink