
Anorak News | Kevin Smith Buys Red State: Stoned Masturbating Demographic Waits For Download

Kevin Smith Buys Red State: Stoned Masturbating Demographic Waits For Download

by | 24th, January 2011

KEVIN Smith bought his film Red State for $20. He is now in control of the marketing  – see stories about his buying own film for $20.

Says Smith:

I never wanted to know jack shit about business. I’m a fat, masturbating stoner. That’s why I got into the movie business. I thought that was where fat, masturbating stoners went. And if somebody had told me at the beginning of my career, you’re going to have to learn so much about business, finance, amortization, all that shit, monetization, I would have been like, ‘Fuck it. I’m just going to stay home and masturbate. That’s too much work, man.’ It took seven years for Clerks, a movie that cost $27,575, to go into profit.

He makes a point well. The film industry so so laughably earnest. The televised AGMs are moribund and cheesy; the film industry gongs are given out with a gravitas and sense of worthiness the Three Wise Men would have found ” a bit much”.

Here’s the trailer:

Spotter: AnimalNY

Posted: 24th, January 2011 | In: Film Comment | TrackBack | Permalink