
Anorak News | Al Jazeera Reporters Arrested In Cairo: Times Reporter Beaten

Al Jazeera Reporters Arrested In Cairo: Times Reporter Beaten

by | 31st, January 2011

AL Jazeera is on the scene in Egypt. Americans are realising that their hot air news media lacks insight:


“If you’re watching Al Jazeera, you’re seeing uninterrupted live video of the demonstrations, along with reporting from people actually on the scene, and not “analysis” from people in a studio. The cops were threatening to knock down the door of one of its reporters minutes ago. Fox has moved on to anchor babies. CNN reports that the ruling party building is on fire, but Al Jazeera is showing the fire live.”

Egypt responds by arresting six reporters with the news group. Al Jazeera correspondent Dan Nolan live-tweeted their arrest (see picture).

Violence against journalists is endemic. James Hider writes in the Times:

As I watched from a nearby rooftop, the door to the stairwell burst open and soldiers with their Kalashnikovs cocked came towards me screaming. One rammed the muzzle of his gun into the back of my head and pushed me to the floor. I shouted in Arabic that I was a British journalist but his response was to kick me in the leg and deliver the vilest insult in the Arabic language.

When they round-up the journalists, Egypt is lost:


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Anti-government protesters clash with supporters of President Hosni Mubarak in Tahrir Square in Cairo today as Egypt's political upheaval took a dangerous new turn.

Spotter: Xeni Jardin

Posted: 31st, January 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink