
Anorak News | Is Andy Gray The Victim? Former Teenager Tells NoTW About ‘Sleazy’ Star

Is Andy Gray The Victim? Former Teenager Tells NoTW About ‘Sleazy’ Star

by | 6th, February 2011

SEE if you can join the dots. Andy Gray is sacked from Sky Sports for making sexist comments. Andy Gray is suing Sky’s sister News Corp organ the News of The World for allegedly hacking his mobile phone’s voicemail. Andy Gray is suing Sky for alleged unfair dismissal. And today Andy Gray is the subject of a story:

“Foul-mouthed Gray strikes again – Sleazy star humiliated teen with explicit sex questions.”

Beneath a photo of Gray with his arms around two women, we get to meet “pretty Kirsty Woolley“. She’s the smiling woman to his left:

SACKED Sky soccer sexist Andy Gray publicly humiliated a 17-year-old girl with a series of crude questions about her sex life.

Even knowing that pretty Kirsty Woolley’s dad was just feet away didn’t stop the foul-mouthed TV pundit leering and demanding: “Are you a dirty b**ch?

It was three years ago and Gray was at an Aston Villa do.

Surrounded by guests at a gala dinner, Kirsty was too embarrassed to speak. Then Gray followed up by asking her a personal question too vile for us to repeat.

Is anything too vile? Thanks to the sexist and sweary BBC, we’re getting used to taboos being broken:

And the sleazy star added: “Are you one of those girls who wants to make love or do you just f***?”


The sickening encounter only ended when Gray, now engaged to best pal’s wife Rachel Lewis, was bundled into a taxi after trying to lure Kirsty back to his hotel.

Sickening. Best pals’ wife. Bundled. Lure. All that and no right of reply for Gray, who not afforded the time and space on Sky TV to apologise for his sexist comments.


Kirsty bravely breaks a three-year silence on her own horrifying ordeal.

Bravely? Horrifying?

“…Gray was an arrogant sexist bully and the truth deserves to come out.”

Agreed. But what is the truth?

Posted: 6th, February 2011 | In: TV & Radio Comment | TrackBack | Permalink