
Anorak News | Forceps Left Inside Patient Poked Through Navel When She Coughed

Forceps Left Inside Patient Poked Through Navel When She Coughed

by | 17th, February 2011

WHEN the French woman coughed the forceps left inside her by a doctor during a tummy tuck operation poked through her navel.

When she told surgeon Dr Bernard Dessapt, of Lyon’s Natecia Clinic, said that he had no need to remove the forceps right away because  “another 24 hours would not change her life“.

Says the woman, known only as Anne:

“He’s still not apologised. He said these things happen and it’s just as well I’m at the end of my career. He said [the removal] was my St. Valentine’s present!”


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MEET Kalim Ali, aka Rod, who has been impaled on a 1.5cm thick, 1metre-long metal pole that has passed through 10 organs. Rectum, small intestine and lungs are pierced. No major blood vessels are ruptured.

Posted: 17th, February 2011 | In: Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink