
Anorak News | Police Seek Mummy Who Robbed Petrol Station With Hatchet

Police Seek Mummy Who Robbed Petrol Station With Hatchet

by | 24th, February 2011

WANTED Man of The day is the figure being sought by Pennsylvania state police for robbing a petrol station while armed with a hatchet.

The local Egyptians are being rounded up…

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THIS is Eduardo Ibarra Perez. But not his moobs. He’s wanted by Los Angeles Police Department on suspicion of murder. But the 29-year-old (born in, er, 1965) has had his moobs – fleshy, sagging ones – concealed behind a flesh-coloured bar. The police department’s website says Perez shot his victim – his wife – in the head.

Posted: 24th, February 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink