
Anorak News | Libya: The SAS Have Gaddafi In Their Sights: But What’s The Exit Strategy?

Libya: The SAS Have Gaddafi In Their Sights: But What’s The Exit Strategy?

by | 1st, March 2011

THERE’S a US warship off the coast of Libya. The American Sixth Fleet is in the area – at least one aircraft carrier and attendant ships. The SAS are in the country. We told you that before anyone else.

Colonel Gaddafi will comply and leave or else be made to go.

The SAS are not going to leave soon.

But when their do leave, they had best have an exit strategy this time.

Do our politicians have a plan other than to get rich and keep their hands clean?

Peter Mandelson told Andrew Marr on the BBC last Sunday morning that the Lockerbie deal was nothing to do with him: “You have to remember I was not in government at that time.”

No, he wasn’t but he was meeting and treating with Gaddafi’s son at his London home…allegedly.


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Posted: 1st, March 2011 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink