
Anorak News | The Three Most Stupid Things Said About Libya By Western Experts

The Three Most Stupid Things Said About Libya By Western Experts

by | 1st, March 2011

LIBYA is not so bad.It’s not bad bad. It’s not like, say, Poland under the Nazis, or Iran.

Martin Kramer has compiled a list of the three most stupid things Western boffins have said after visiting Gaddafi’s Libya.

3. The Shores of Tripoli by Stephen Walt:

“Libya doesn’t feel like other police states that I have visited.”

2. My Chat with the Colonel by Anthony Giddens:

“As one-party states go, Libya is not especially repressive. Gadafy seems genuinely popular.”

Winner: No Democratic Dominoes in the Middle East by Benjamin Barber

“Libya has a tradition of participatory local governance because of Qadaffi’s long interest in participatory democracy and peoples’ committees. Moreover, he is not detested in the way that Mubarak has been detested and rules by means other than fear.”

And these words form the King of Africa himself:


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Posted: 1st, March 2011 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink