
Anorak News | Katie Price And Leandro Penna Smooch In The Queen’s Box At Cheltenham

Katie Price And Leandro Penna Smooch In The Queen’s Box At Cheltenham

by | 19th, March 2011

KATIE Price, aka Jordan, has usurped Her Majesty the Queen’s Royal box (fnar). So reports the Daily Star in the front-page screamer entitled:

“QUEEN JORDAN UNSEATS ROYALS – she hijacks Her Maj’s box at races”

Anorak sees an image of Jordan running off with said box, spraying it orange and sticking some peonies in it. Keen to erase the image from mind, we read on:

Katie Price was the queen of celebrity as she partied in the royal box at Cheltenham yesterday. Horse-mad star Katie Price watched the Gold Cup race with new boyfriend Leandro Penna, 25.

Over in the Sun, we get a bit more information that the Star omits:

Jordan, 32, was a guest of the course chairman and Prince Charles’ pal Lord Vestey in a hospitality suite.

There is no de facto Royal box reserved for the sole use of Royals at Cheltenham. Just as the President suite in Hyderabad will let in non–Presidents.

In other news, Katie and Leandro are to get her own reality TV show in Argentina:

He apparently told the Daily Star: “I’m going to take Katie to Argentina because they will love her over there. We’ve been offered our own reality TV show. There are lots of shows that we could do but some of them are very tacky. Kate is too special for a show like that. It would have to be classy.”

Katie, you’re up next:


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Posted: 19th, March 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment | TrackBack | Permalink