
Anorak News | Jersey Man Pay’s £78,000 For Kate Middleton Old Dress (Still Warm And Unwashed?)

Jersey Man Pay’s £78,000 For Kate Middleton Old Dress (Still Warm And Unwashed?)

by | 19th, March 2011

THE man who bought Kate Middleton’s see-through dress for £78,000 is Jersey’s Nicky Roberts. He’s the nephew of Jersey David Gainsborough-Roberts owners of the world’s largest genuine collection of Monroe second-hands goods, aka memorabilia.

Some readers may find it big creepy to buy a woman’s dress (still warm and unwashed is extra?) but not our patron, Old Mr Anorak, who exchanged a few shares in Gaddafi Enterprises for Kate’s roller blading garb (to be worn over Queen Elizabeth’s used knickers).

Tickets for the Wills & Kate Official Roller Blading Dinner Dance will be available from the reception to the side of Boodle’s on Pall Mall…


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Prince Harry and Kate Middleton during the order of the Garter service held at St George's Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle, London.

Posted: 19th, March 2011 | In: Key Posts, Royal Family Comment | TrackBack | Permalink