GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons Shoots Bull Elephant In Zimbabwe: Mugabe Unhurt Chief Executive Bob Parsons has shot and killed and elephant of shooting and killing expedition in Zimbabwe. Having embarked on the mission to kill an elephant, he is, understandably, pleased.
A video has been posted of the grand escapade. Parsons and party survey a field of elephant-damaged crops (does maize have feelings? Discuss.) And then he shoots a bull elephant dead.
Cue a huge shit storm. And cue Parsons to tells us what it means to shoot Dumbo:
“I kind of figured that this might happen. So be it, I’m not ashamed of what I did. All these people that are complaining that this shouldn’t happen, that these people who are starving to death otherwise shouldn’t eat these elephants, you probably see them driving through at McDonald’s or cutting a steak.
Is all meat murder?
Xeni Jardin muses:
The poor, starving African villagers he left the carcass to should be grateful, according to the CEO, because elephants are “a valuable source of protein.” Well, by that logic, so are CEOs.
Fair point. But isn’t attacking Parsons by suggesting that Africans are cannibals as arcane as the hunt? And isn’t the bigger story that a white man went to Mugabe’s bastard state Zimbabwe and got out alive..?
Posted: 2nd, April 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink