
Anorak News | Are The Stone Roses Going To Ruin Our Year By Reforming?

Are The Stone Roses Going To Ruin Our Year By Reforming?

by | 7th, April 2011

THE Stone Roses – a band who made one decent LP, followed it up with a collection of odds-and-sods, then bowed out with a sludgy blokerock LP that avowed contrarians defend to the hilt – may be reuniting to pay off some mortgages and generally remind everyone just how awful they were live.

Of course, it was roughly one year ago that this persistent rumour was last muttered about, and it probably has as much truth in it as it ever has.

However, there’s legions of slightly balding men in Adidas shell-toes and cod-mod parkas all desperate to see the return of a band they could never quite let go of.

With that, the Ben Sherman crew will be pink with glee and fizzing at the mouth with nostalgia at the reports that Ian Brown and John Squire have made friends after not speaking for around 15 years.

Apparently, the two muttered to each other about playing together again after meeting at bandmate Mani’s mum’s funeral. Nice to see two lads talking business while a corpse slowly goes cold before them.

It’s said that Ian broke the ice at the wake, as well as displaying one of the longest faces in rock ‘n’ roll. Before long they were hugging, back-slapping and reminiscing about the good times.”

Insert ”avin’ it’ joke here.

Of course, John Squire has been less than keen to reform the group as he prefers making dismal art that no-one buys, apart from wealthy penises who live in the flats which stand where the Hacienda used to be.

He could probably do with the money, so lets hope they have some practice runs and all fall out again so we never have to consider the woeful, piddling racket they wheeled around back in the ’90s. Cressa, don’t dust your dancing shoes off just yet.

Posted: 7th, April 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink