
Anorak News | Anti-Porn Politician Caught Watching Porn In Parliament

Anti-Porn Politician Caught Watching Porn In Parliament

by | 12th, April 2011

MR Arifinto, an MP for Indonesia’s anti-porn Islamic Prosperous Justice Party (PKS),  has been spotted researching filthy images of Norwegian Milf Vicky Vette in the debating chamber.

As he says:

“For the recent developing media coverage, I apologise to all members of the party and parliament…I’m also going to continue to better myself, by repentance, reading the Koran and asking for guidance.”

He says he opened an email and inadvertently triggered the porn. In light of that we can offer the following guidance:

1. Take care when opening email entitled “Naked Girls This Way”

2. Blame the Jews

3. Use your official capacity to seize lots of porn and store it safely under your mattress

4. Do not underline the raunchier passages of the Koran

5. Go to a fact-finding mission to Amsterdam

6. Visit Anroak to see Vicky Vette:


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Posted: 12th, April 2011 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink