
Anorak News | Manchester United Bury Rich Man’s Plaything Chelsea In Champions League

Manchester United Bury Rich Man’s Plaything Chelsea In Champions League

by | 12th, April 2011

WHEN Fernando Torres finally scores for Chelsea it will either be a goal of outstanding brilliance or a messy one. What it will almost definitely not be is an important goal.

Carlos Ancelotti started the Champions’ League quarter-final with the £50m misfit in place of Didier Drogba, the striker who has done more than any player to make Chelsea a force to content with.

It was a bad move.

Is this what happens when the club’s owner dictates selection policy? Is this what will happen to every big club owned by a billionaire when the the lust for silver and glory – tangible return on massive investment – clouds the judgement.

Manchester United fans may laugh now, but when Alex Ferguson leaves the club, will his successor be afforded a few lean years to form a team? Will Arsenal after Wenger and under Stan Kroenke in charge be allowed to finish top four in the Permier League year in and year out so long as the books are blanced?


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Chelsea's Frank Lampard (left) Ashley Cole and Michael Essien (right) leave the field of play after the final whistle

Posted: 12th, April 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink