
Anorak News | Hayden Panettiere Chillingly Tells Everyone About Her Dad Making Her Scream As A Child

Hayden Panettiere Chillingly Tells Everyone About Her Dad Making Her Scream As A Child

by | 14th, April 2011

HAYDEN Panettiere will be required to do a lot of screaming in the new Scream flick, unless of course, she gets bumped off early doors like Drew Barrymore did in the first of the franchise.

And weirdly, she’s decided to come clean about how she got so good at screaming in the first place – her father used to make her shriek, repeatedly, when she was small.

So how did he do this?

One can only assume that he mastered the art of springing out at her from behind doors and doing his best to strangle her to death or, indeed, spend balmy sunny afternoons tying her up and inserting art scalpels into the beds of her fingernails.

Right? That’s the logical thing to think, isn’t it?

Of course it isn’t you sick pervert. The truth of the matter is that Hayden’s father is an immensely paranoid man who was constantly in fear of something terrible happening to his future pension.

“I’m a fireman’s daughter and he always taught me, because I’m such a small girl, that you always have to look like you have somewhere to be and someone’s gonna miss you if you (don’t) get there.”

“He used to tell me all the time when I went to the mall with my friends, ‘What do you do if somebody comes up and grabs you?’ He taught me to scream, ‘You’re not my daddy, you’re not my daddy’.

This is perfectly normal isn’t it? Nothing wrong here.

“So I had a lot of practice screaming, ‘You’re not my daddy’. Now it just sounds wrong. But I’m pretty good at screaming.”

So there you have it. Parents are all clearly imbeciles.

Posted: 14th, April 2011 | In: Film 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink