
Anorak News | Zsa Zsa Gabor And Husband Are Going To Try And Have A Baby (Yeah, Like That’ll Happen)

Zsa Zsa Gabor And Husband Are Going To Try And Have A Baby (Yeah, Like That’ll Happen)

by | 15th, April 2011

HAVE you seen Zsa Zsa Gabor lately? If not, let us give it to you bluntly – she’s 94-years-old, is riddled with illness and only has one leg after she got the gangrene cut out of her. Okay? Now, digest this next piece of information – she’s trying for a baby.

That’s right, despite being barely alive, Zsa Zsa Gabor and her spouse Prince Frederic von Anhalt (an amazing name, granted) went to a Beverly Hills fertility clinic to fulfil her dream of them having a child.

Of course, Prince Frederic von Anhalt has absolutely no intention of having sex with Gabor and the chance of her living to the end of the next 9 months are incredibly slim. So how are they having a child?

Well, Freddy boy made a sperm donation yesterday and hopes to use his DNA and the egg and womb of a surrogate mother. He’s saying the baby will be his and Zsa Zsa’s, while the rest of us think that he might as well just have sex with some broke floozy and have done with it.

He says:

“It was always my wife’s dream for us to have a child … and even though we won’t be using any of her eggs, she would be thrilled to know I’m going through with this.”

“I am so excited!! I hope Zsa Zsa is going to hang around for awhile. I want her to see and hold the baby’s hand. She will be a mother again at 95!! It was her wish to have a boy.”

Zsa Zsa’s child, Francesca, has been critical of Frederic, accusing him of creating a “circus atmosphere” around Gabor.

That’d be concern for a woman who created this ludicrous video.

Next week: An apology for poking fun at the now dead Zsa Zsa Gabor.


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Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, at Uxbridge Court where she was fined £10 on a summons alleging that she used language liable to cause offence or annoyance at Heathrow Airport. She was also fined a further £40 with 18 guineas costs on a summons alleging that she tried to bring a dog into Britain without permission.

Posted: 15th, April 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink