Kate Hudson Talks About Why She Loves Rodent Faced Muse Singer
AWFUL prog band, Muse, have inexplicably become one of the biggest bands on the planet. With this fame, singer Matt Bellamy has even managed to bag himself a glamorous gal in the shape of Kate Hudson. That’s Kate ‘the fit one from Almost Famous and daughter of Goldie Hawn’ Hudson to you.
And somehow, Bellamy has even convinced her to have a child with him.
The attractive Hudson has caused people to raise an eyebrow and wonder what it is she sees in a man who has a face like a naked mole rat.
“You always hear people say, ‘I never thought this would be the person I would end up with,’ but I don’t think you ever really know.”
“I love that Matthew knows how to express himself. He shows his love. He communicates.”
So, he can string a sentence together. So far, so obvious. But what else is so great about him?
“Matthew was polite and immediately protective, which for somebody like me who’s all over the place – one minute I’m over here and the next I’m over there – is important.”
So he’s needy but says ‘please’. Brilliant. So did they plan the baby or did that musician rascal entrap her?
“There were no ovulation kits involved. We were tempting fate, and it worked.”
No entrapment there! The disappointing news is, that, Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy really like each other and there’s no funny angle to be found!
Posted: 19th, April 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink