
Anorak News | Vanessa Hudgens Wants Young People To Watch More Films

Vanessa Hudgens Wants Young People To Watch More Films

by | 16th, January 2012

YOU may now her as That Disney Girl Who Appeared Naked On Your Internet After Some Self Taken Pictures Were Leaked, but Vanessa Hudgens is actually a serious thespian. And don’t you forget it.

And she really cares about the art of film making. So much so, she’s encouraging young people to watch a wide variety of films.

Get that young people? She wants you to watch more movies! What’s that? You wish people would actually make something worth watching once in a while? Fair enough.

Anyway, Hudgens spoke to the FILMCLUB charity:

“Watching a wide range of films gives you more knowledge. It opens your eyes to different aspects of life that you probably wouldn’t normally ponder yourself.”

“It’s an amazing creative outlet, it allows you to inspire your mind and think about different things…it’s a getaway. Watching movies is an amazing escape from your present. It allows you to kind of be free.”

Or, you could just watch TV which is a million times better and more varied than stupid films that overcharge you to get into a cinema screen, hope you buy popcorn with a frankly insulting mark-up and sit in a darkened room filled with chewing, texting idiots.

And what does Vanessa think we should be all watching?

“Honestly, I think a good romance! It’s so much fun when you get to watch a film that takes you out of your situation and allows you to fully emerge yourself in to a beautiful love story.”

That’s the kind of talk that makes people illegally download.

Posted: 16th, January 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink