
Anorak News | Chris Jefferies Hires Robert Murat’s Lawyer In Libel Case

Chris Jefferies Hires Robert Murat’s Lawyer In Libel Case

by | 21st, April 2011

CHRISTOPER Jeffries, the man given the full Robert Murat by sections of the British press in connection with the murder of Joanne Yeates, has finally launched his libel cases against the Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Daily Express and Daily Star.

His lawyer Louis Charalambous says Jeffries is “seeking vindication of his reputation for the terrible treatment he received” at the hands of the press.

Jeffries has chosen his lawyer well. In 2008, Mr Charalambous represented Robert Murat, the poor sod who was the subject of “seriously defamatory” allegations in scores of newspaper articles linking him to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Murat won £600,000. He sued The Sun, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Daily Mail, London Evening Standard, Metro, Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, News of the World and the Scotsman.

Anorak wonders if Mr Jefferies might have a concern about the police’s role, who instead of saying he was helping them with their enquiries, said he was a suspect..?

As Anorak said, the Chris Jefferies would reach court before Jo Yeates’ killer.

Posted: 21st, April 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink