Paris Hilton And Boyfriend Attacked By Nut Job
PARIS Hilton, a woman of no fixed talent, is doing rather well on the stalker front. In fact, one of them is so keen on her that he keeps punching her boyfriend.
For you see, the man known as Cy Waits shouldn’t be with Paris, despite the fact she is willingly going out with him. Rather, she is destined to marry a bug-eyed nutter called James Rainford. Why? Because he says so.
While Hilton and Waits were walking to a court house, to deal with a completely separate nutter who broke into her house, Rainford appeared and grabbed Cy by the scruff of his neck before smacking him one.
Thing is, the suspect has a thing for Paris. Last October, Rainford was arrested and given three years probation after he was caught trespassing on her property. He didn’t help himself by pulling a knife out on Hilton’s security guards.
That’s not the best way to woo a lady is it? Paris tweeted about the attack, saying:
“That other psycho intruder just punched Cy in the back of the head as we were walking into the court house. So scary!
But she misunderstands him. See, when the police spoke to Rainford, he said that he was actually going to marry the starlet.
He said:
“Ricky Hilton said I could marry Paris. He gave me his blessing. I love Paris.”
Ricky Hilton happens to be Paris’ dad. So either Rainford has made this up in his wrongly wired little brain or, maybe, Paris has a father with a really odd sense of humour.
Paris Hilton attended the Race To Erase MS Gala with her sister and her parents at the Hyatt Regent Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California <P> <B>Ref: SPL29579 020508 </B><br> Picture by: Ciao Hollywood / Splash News<br> Pictured: Paris Hilton </P><P> <B>Splash News and Pictures</B><br> Los Angeles: 310-821-2666<br> New York: 212-619-2666<br> London: 870-934-2666<br><br> </P>
Paris Hilton attended the Race To Erase MS Gala with her sister and her parents at the Hyatt Regent Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California
Ref: SPL29579 020508
Picture by: Ciao Hollywood / Splash News
Pictured: Paris Hilton
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Posted: 28th, April 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink