
Anorak News | Katie Holmes Settles With Rag That Accused Her Of Being A Druggie

Katie Holmes Settles With Rag That Accused Her Of Being A Druggie

by | 29th, April 2011

JUST because Katie Holmes married Scientology poster-boy Tom Cruise, it doesn’t mean she’s on drugs. The taking of drugs explains a lot of erratic behaviour, but Katie is keen to point out that, if you think she’s a bit of a lunatic, she’s like that of her own free-will.

And this whole drug thing has seen the actress settling a defamation claim with US celebrity magazine, Star, after they falsely suggested that she was constantly ripped to her tits on good quality drugs.

Holmes sued for $50m (£29.9m) last month over a January edition which had the headline of “Addiction Nightmare – Katie Drug Shocker“.

Sadly for Star, their spike in sales comes with a penalty and now they’re required topublish an apology in an upcoming issue. Which will be in writing smaller than the T&Cs of your overdraft agreement.

In its apology, Star said it

“…did not intend to suggest Katie Holmes was a drug addict or was undergoing treatment for a drug addiction”.

“Star apologises to Ms Holmes for any misperception and will be making a substantial donation to charity on Ms Holmes’ behalf for any harm that we may have caused.”

Holmes said, with a reply statement:

“With this dispute out of the way, I look forward to once again focusing my attention on my family and career.”

She’ll be spending lots of time with the family then, talking about Thetans and staring at Tom’s lifeless eyes and impossibly white gnashers.


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Posted: 29th, April 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink