
Anorak News | Bush Haters Say Obama Won The War On Terror: Hillary Clinton Disagrees

Bush Haters Say Obama Won The War On Terror: Hillary Clinton Disagrees

by | 2nd, May 2011

OBAMA killed Osama. That’s the gist of the chant outside the White House. “Yes we can,” comes the chant.

It’s all a bit odd, isn’t it? The war Osama bin Laden started. The war George Bush went into without batting an eyelid. The war that caused Al Qaeda killers to be captured and sent to Guantanamo Bay – that’s the place Obama said he’d close just as soon as he was elected. The war in Afghanistan that was about the US getting Bin Laden and crushing Al Qeda. Well, Obama, who came to power after it had began, has won it.

Get this from Democrat supporting filmmaker Spike Lee (@SpikeLee), who tweets:

“President Obama ‘May God Bless you and May God Bless The United States of America'”

And God bless George Bush?

The incoming chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) said President Obama deserves credit for the killing on Sunday of Osama bin Laden.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) praised Obama and specifically credited Obama for “refocusing” U.S. efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which Wasserman Schultz asserted led to bin Laden’s death.

Get a load of this:

Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) says the death of Osama bin Laden puts President Obama in a “political position that makes him the Commander-in-Chief of an almost flawless mission of monumental proportion that have unbelievable ramifications.”

On television:

Peter Bergen, an expert on al-Qaida [sic] and one of few people in the field to have actually met its leader, declared: “Killing bin Laden is the end of the war on terror.”

Or as she says:

America’s war with al-Qaida will not stop with the death of its leader, Osama bin Laden, Hillary Clinton has warned, telling the terrorist network: “You cannot wait us out; you cannot defeat us.”

Yeah, well done, Obama. And – shucks – well done to the soldier who faced Osama bin Laden, his country’s most wanted man – the mass murderer – and shot him the head. He did his part, too…

Spotter: Gateway Pundit

Posted: 2nd, May 2011 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink