
Anorak News | Robert Pattinson Wants To Bother Everyone With His Awful Singing

Robert Pattinson Wants To Bother Everyone With His Awful Singing

by | 9th, May 2011

PERPETUAL bore and Twilight death-hunk Robert Pattinson has said he wants to reignite his music career. Did you not know he had a music career? Yes! He totally bought an acoustic guitar and likes singing his dreadful songs that sound like he’s got his genitals caught in a mangle.

See, before he stood very, very still and emoted one off into the faces of Twlighters, the incredibly tedious actor played in a band, like loads of misguided chumps! But this is Robert Pattinson, so it is more special, RIGHT?!

Of course, with ol’ bore hound Pattinson being all famous and in films all the time, he’s struggled to find time to pursue his musical interests but now, that’s all about to change.


He says:

“I’d like to start performing again because I haven’t done it in so many years now. It makes such a difference in your life. If you’ve ever done it once it’s very addictive.”

If you didn’t know, Pattinson is currently being outacted by wrinkly grey animals in the movie, Water For Elephants. Now, let us hear him crooning all over himself.

Posted: 9th, May 2011 | In: Celebrities 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink