
Anorak News | Whitney Houston Totters Off To Rehab While Prince Scowls At Her

Whitney Houston Totters Off To Rehab While Prince Scowls At Her

by | 10th, May 2011

GLASSY-EYED pop diva, Whitney Houston, is not  having a good time of it at the moment. Or rather, perhaps she’s having too much of a good time and it has started to rot her brains and liver.

You see, the Bodyguard singer has had to return to rehab because she (allegedly) likes taking too many drugs and wolfing down too much booze.

Whitney has entered an outpatient programme for drug and alcohol treatment according to Kristen Foster, her spokesperson, who says:

“Whitney voluntarily entered the programme to support her long-standing recovery process”.

It would seem that these personal troubles are largely behind her lack of musical action of late, cancelling tours of Europe and generally not being up to scratch when she does finally get around to hauling her famous, failing arse onto a stage.

Even professional pop-kook Prince has had enough of her antics, banning her from all his shows because she keeps showing up, demanding tickets and trying to force her way on-stage while the Purple One gyrates and warbles like a disco Tom Thumb.

Whitney Houston there. Too weird, even for Prince.

Posted: 10th, May 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink