
Anorak News | 11 Reasons Why The World Ends On May 21 2011 – In Pictures

11 Reasons Why The World Ends On May 21 2011 – In Pictures

by | 20th, May 2011

AS you know the world will end on May 21 2011. May 21 is Doomsday. The world is ending on Saturday. The world is, readers, ending tomorrow. We know this because we’ve been given a head’s up by one of the world’s top 100 leading fundamentalist amateur Christian mathematicians in America, none other than the great Harold Camping. (Religion’s gain is Countdown’s loss). So. While we while away the last moments cancelling the milk and setting fire to the EastEnders set, we bring you more irrefutable proof that the world is ending, presented by Miley Cyrus, Snooki, Oprah Winfrey, Pizza Cookies, Suri Cruise, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Starbucks and Justin Bieber (and her)…


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Posted: 20th, May 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink