
Anorak News | Bee Gees And Michael Jackson Collaboration Caught On Video

Bee Gees And Michael Jackson Collaboration Caught On Video

by | 26th, February 2013

FACE it – The Bee Gees are one of the greatest groups to ever cut a record ever. Their back catalogue is simply astonishing, running through psychedelia, concept albums, disco, pop and not to mention all the great songs they wrote for other.

Now, mix that with the breathtaking body of work made by Michael Jackson and you have something that is quite giddifying.

Okay, Dangerous was the last time Jackson did anything of note and the Bee Gees haven’t made a decent record since You Win Again, but y’know, before that, they were unstoppable. Right?

The two camps got their weird faces together and recorded a song called ‘All In Your Name’, and the video (which you can watch below) shows them in the studio together, writing and recording the track.

Gibb says:

“Michael Jackson and I were the dearest of friends, that’s simply what it was. We gravitated towards the same kind of music and we loved collaborating and he was the easiest person to write with.”

“The more we got to know each other the more those ideas entwined and it all came to this song ‘All In Your Name’. “All in Your Name” is in fact the message that Michael wanted to send out to all of his fans all over the world that he did it all for them and for the pure love of music. I hope and pray that we all get to hear it in its entirety. This experience I will treasure forever.”

So have a listen. It isn’t very good, but still.

Posted: 26th, February 2013 | In: Music 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink