Courtney Love Slags Lady GaGa Without A Trace Of Irony
SOME of you might think that Courtney Love is in no position to slate anyone else for anything, ever. And you’d be right because, of all the people in the celebsphere, she’s one of the most grotesque and worrying.
Shall we weigh it all up? She’s famous for being a strung-out heroin addict who had her baby taken off her. She’s a woman who has one of the most unusual faces on Earth thanks to getting plastic surgery from someone we can assume has Parkinson’s Disease. She’s taken to ranting garbled messages on Twitter, some of which attack her only daughter. She’s demented enough to have shagged Michael Stipe. She’s posted pictures of herself online with no clothes on, only to foam at the baps about how there’s some kind of conspiracy against her.
And we could go on. But we won’t. Because now, for some inexplicable reason (or, the explicable reason of professional jealousy), she’s decided to have a go at Lady GaGa.
That’s right. The wizened old has-been with Kurt Cobain’s cadaver on her shoulder has decided to launch a broadside against someone who is regarded as relevant in the world.
“She surrounds herself with this coterie of gay stylists and advisors who’ve turned her into this weird, sexless Barbie doll”
Then, without even a hint of irony, Love added:
“I was raised by gay guys myself, and I turned out all right in the end. But you know, you can only pull off this meat-dress act for so long.
“If she doesn’t watch out she’ll turn into a lonely drag queen. Straight guys just aren’t in to that kind of thing.”
Courtney Love there. About as convincing a woman as Christopher Biggins playing a pantomime dame.
Posted: 27th, May 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink