
Anorak News | Rihanna Shoots A Rapist Dead

Rihanna Shoots A Rapist Dead

by | 1st, June 2011

POP music has always traded on sex and shock to shift units. Elvis Presley used to gyrate like a man in the bath with a two-bar heater and Madonna made a whole book dedicated to making sheltered people gasp in astonishment (the rest of us were just sickened at the appearance of a shirtless Vanilla Ice).

And so, it isn’t really surprising when a new pop-star comes along and starts talking about taboo things. And, lately, Rihanna has been ramping things up. She made a record called S&M, which saw her talking about how much whips and chains excited her… and now she’s going to kill a rapist on our televisions.

Sadly, this isn’t some new gameshow she’s spearheading, but rather, the work of fiction (sorry, you were expecting a real death weren’t you? Have you learned nothing about shills like us? We hook you in with a headline and then ultimately let you down. Sorry, but it really is your own stupid fault).

In the promo video for her newbie, Man Down, we get to see Rihanna advocating martial law, taking things into her own hands. Basically, the underlying message is that young girls should stay safe when they’re out and, failing that, open fire on people.

The film shows RiRi shooting a man at a railway station (we’ve all wanted to do that, right?) before we see a bunch of flashbacks that show him trying to rape her.

Rihanna says of it:

“Thank you for the amazing response on Man Down video I love you guys, and I love that u (sic) got it!!! Young girls/women all over the world… we are a lot of things! We’re strong innocent fun flirtatious vulnerable, and sometimes our innocence can cause us to be naive!

“We always think it could never be us, but in reality, it can happen to any of us! So ladies be careful and listen to yo (sic) mama! I love you and I care!”

Chris Brown is presumably wondering what the fuss is all about.


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Posted: 1st, June 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink