
Anorak News | Katie Price’s Junior Lover Leandro Penna Looks Forward To Being Run Over By A Lorry

Katie Price’s Junior Lover Leandro Penna Looks Forward To Being Run Over By A Lorry

by | 2nd, June 2011

KATIE Price and Leandro Penna are talking to OK! about “THEIR PLANS FOR MARRIAGE AND BABIES”.

Says Katie:

“I’ve put on about half a stone but I’m happy.”

Is she pregnant? No. Is she getting married? No. So much for the OK! headlines. What else do we learn of the happy couple?

Says OK!:

“As she and Leo, 25, sit with the soles of their feet pressed together for their first ever joint interview, we chat to them with the help of their translator…”

Who need words when you are…sole mates (ouch!).

OK!: “How do you cope with the language barrier?”
Katie: “It’s intuitive, like it is with me and Harvey…”

Harvey is Katie’s 10-year-old son. The wholesome imagery is only added to when OK! asks:

“We think Leandro looks a bit like Junior.”

That’s Katie’s six-year-old son.

Katie then says Leandro has “impeccable manners” – “Like if we’re at dinner and someone is holding their knife and fork wrong [not to their throat?] he will tell them.”

And what says manners better than that?

Leandro goes on:

“The connection we have is so intense. Like sometimes I’ll be sitting and moving my head from side to side and she will know I’m…”

Listening to Stevie Wonder? Feeling caged?

“…looking for the remote control.”


While Leo struggles to find Katie’s buttons, OK! presses on:

OK!: “Can you say something in Spanish?”
Katie: “Like what?”
OK!: “Maybe something like: ‘Could you please pass the toast?’”
Katie: “No, because I don’t like toast normally.”

It’s hard to top that but Leandro tries by telling us that what he loves about Katie Price, her massive Jordans, false teefs, dolly-dyed hair and face filler is that “she’s a natural girl”.

He ends with his views for the future:

“Who knows? I may leave this place and a lorry run me over.”

And we know what he means…


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Posted: 2nd, June 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink