
Anorak News | Rihanna ‘Gropes’ Underage Fan And Parent Goes Mental: Photos

Rihanna ‘Gropes’ Underage Fan And Parent Goes Mental: Photos

by | 10th, June 2011

RIHANNA was once a really enjoyable pop-star. Now, she’s a controversy-machine, continually setting out to shock people without letting up, leaving everyone a little tired of the whole thing thanks to overkill.

And now, she’s outraged a mother by apparently ‘groping’ one of her fans who is underage. Of course, ‘underage’ implies that Rihanna groped the fan up her front-garden or something, which clearly isn’t the case or the headline would read ‘Rihanna Rapes Child’. Which she didn’t.

The photos, posted online at have been complained about by the girl in question’s family, which is invariably the source of great embarrassment to a teenage girl, now set for a life of bullying from her peers, thanks to her Auntie shooting her mouth off like a weird homophobe.

Auntie says:

”I don’t know what she was thinking. I don’t want [my niece] even joking about lesbianism . . . not at her age”

You see, in this poor girl’s family, you’re not allowed to be an underage lesbian. It simply isn’t acceptable. Presumably because all lesbians are massive perverts. Auntie will have no doubt been thrilled to learn that Rihanna recently gave a woman a lap dance during one of her shows.

Of course, the only person sexualising an ass-grab is Auntie, which implies that she’s got a mind way muckier than Rihanna herself.

Wonder what she makes of Rihanna shooting a rapist in her new promotional video for ‘Man Down’?


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Posted: 10th, June 2011 | In: Key Posts, Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink