
Anorak News | Justin Bieber And Chris Brown Team Up To Really Hate Women Together

Justin Bieber And Chris Brown Team Up To Really Hate Women Together

by | 13th, June 2011

TOGETHER, Chris Brown and Justin Bieber have an amazing loathing for womankind. Sure, they may croon their paeans to the boobier sex, but they both quite obviously loathe them.

First off, Chris Brown had, in his his words, a ‘mishap with Rihanna. A knuckle shaped mishap roughly around the face region. Secondly, Justin Bieber thinks that all abortions are wrong and women shouldn’t be allowed to have them. That presumably goes for rape victims too, right Biebo?

And so, the two have stopped sneering at the girls of the world long enough to work together on a song that has a video which Brown is promising to be “epic”.

We can imagine that the women that feature in it are not to speak and do exactly as they’re told. Quite possibly in bikinis.

The Brown/Bieber song is a newbie called Next 2 You and a rough version has already leaked online. However, Breezy says the finished promo is well worth the wait. It won’t be, but he’s saying that and he’s allowed to think he’s telling the truth as well. He says:

“Just watched the final version of “next 2 u”. Very inspirational, energetic, Epic video!”

So what is so amazing about it?

“At one point of the song, there were all these dancers dancing on these street elements like benches and tables and stuff like that,”

“From there, it just started to evolve from street elements and this whole underground vibe to just getting crazier and crazier. I wanted to make sure it was really exciting”

So basically, it is a bunch of people dancing on tables and bouncing off lamp posts, charity muggers, tramps and other “street elements”. Amazing. Better than dancing on the face of a KOed woman we guess…


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Posted: 13th, June 2011 | In: Music Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink