Selena Gomez Gets A ‘Being Brave’ Sticker In Children’s Hospital: Bieber Fans Pray For Her Death
DID you hear about Selena Gomez being rushed to hospital suffering from feeling pukous and having a eye-melting headache? Are you a demented Bieber fan who has been sending death-threats, cheering that she might die and that, in fact, your little voodoo doll actually worked?
Good for you. You must be thrilled, despite the fact Bieber still won’t ever take his miniature arousal anywhere near you because you’d inevitably kill his lust by constantly screaming at him.
Anyway, Gomez, has been getting lots of medical attention and it is thought that she has a combination of food poisoning and exhaustion. Everyone is looking at Beliebers as potential poisoners.
A representative says:
“Last night after Selena’s appearance on ‘The Tonight Show,’ she wasn’t feeling well and was taken to the hospital.”
“She is currently undergoing routine tests.”
Could it be that she actually tried to poison herself so she didn’t have to spend even more time with Justin Bieber and listen to his tremendously awful pubeless-pop?
You may think that it sounds far-fetched, but imagine your irritation when you hear Baby, then multiply it by a trillion as you are forced by management to spend every waking second with him.
Posted: 13th, June 2011 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink